Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Hunger Games Silhouette Studio File

I just finished reading The Hunger Games series and I am in LOVE! Really, they have made the cut as some of my favorite books. Now I'm counting down the days until the first movie comes out.

So to help me pass the time I created a .studio file for the Mockingjay Pin that Katness wears. I plan to put it on a shirt to wear to the opening night of the movie. Dork - youbettcha! But I can't wait! Enjoy!

Download the Silhouette .studio file HERE

Download the Silhouette .studio file in an outline HERE


  1. Thank you so much for making this!! I'm using it on a card!!!

  2. thanks so much!!! have a bday card to make for a HG fan so this will be perfect!! :)


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